The Welsh Government’s 2022 to 2023 Transformation Capital Grant programme for museums, archives and libraries is now accepting Expressions of Interest (EOI). The Welsh Government’s Culture and Sport Division will also be managing the programme.
The grant is aiming to support successful applicants to create modern and sustainable services and facilities. Here, the Welsh Government are also recognising the role museums, galleries and archives play in our community and how they serve as key sources of knowledge and enjoyment.
Only capital costs are covered by funding from the Capital Grant programme. This includes for example building work as well as professional fees, and additional equipment deemed neccesary for the projects. However, you cannot use these funds cannot be used towards the purchase of land or buildings.
Application process:
The grant scheme will work as a two-stage process:
Stage 1 invites the sector to make an EOI for the scheme.
Stage 2 is where the programme asks those shortlisted to create and submit a full application, but this must remain consistent with the EOI.
Learn more about the grant scheme and how to apply below:
Submit your EOI by midday 13 September 2021.
You can also visit GOV.Wales for more information.