If you are thinking of starting a business then you could Join the Town Centre Miwtini programme which will cover all the essential information on running a successful business. Guidance on the Town Centre Entrepreneurship Fund will also be included.
There are no exclusions for anyone who has previously had financial support from either Welsh Government or Local Authorities, providing they meet the eligibility criteria for this fund.
The Business Wales Town Centre Entrepreneurship Fund is open to applications until 20 June 2022, funds permitting. If funds are used up before this date the scheme will close.
The fund will provide financial assistance for entrepreneurs and businesses who are looking to start and grow a business in one of four town centres across North Wales – Bangor, Colwyn Bay, Rhyl and Wrexham. The programme will run from 9.30am to 3.30pm and will cover the following:
- Essentials on starting a business
- Lease Guidance
- Smart Towns
- Finance
- Marketing
- Customer Service
The dates are below:
- Colwyn Bay – 8 September 2021, use the following link to book your place https://miwtinitowncentrecolwynbay.eventbrite.co.uk
- Rhyl – 15 September 2021, use the following link to book your place https://miwtinitowncentrerhyl.eventbrite.co.uk
- Bangor – 22 September 2021, use the following link to book your place https://miwtinitowncentrebangor.eventbrite.co.uk
- Wrexham – 29 September 2021, use the following link to book your place https://miwtinitowncentrewrexham.eventbrite.co.uk